sro   audiences   standing room only
the tv audience company


This show is now fully booked. If you would like to add your details to our waiting list for returns or mailing list for future recordings, then, please complete IN FULL and submit the details below. We will contact you if any tickets are returned or inform you of future recordings of the show.

Here at SRO Audiences, we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the products and services you have requested from us. However, from time to time, we would like to contact you by email with details of other shows in which we think you may be interested so that you may choose to apply at that time. SRO Audiences never pass your details to any third party without your consent.

This show will take place Tuesday 7th, Wednesday 8th & Thursday 9th January 2025

The venue is Theatre 503 (above the Latchmere pub), 503 Battersea Park Rd, London SW11 3BW

The doors open at 6.45pm

Tickets are limited so apply quickly

The minimum age for the show is 18 years

Please note that sro audiences never pass on any of your personal details

First name:
Last name:
Number of tickets required (Max 6):
Preferred dates
1st choice
Full postal address:
Daytime phone number:
Evening phone number:
Email address:
Favourite comedy show:

I have read & accepted the privacy policy and consent to SRO Audiences contacting me. I understand that I may unsubscribe at any time

w w w . s r o a u d i e n c e s . c o m